Rhymes for operatively
- comparatively
- cooperatively
- corporatively
- couperatively
- evaporatively
- imperatively
- interpretively
- nonimperatively
- noninterpretively
- nonvituperatively
- operatively
- postoperatively
- preoperatively
- preparatively
- purportively
- separatively
- sportively
- spurtively
- supportively
- uncooperatively
- unimperatively
- uninterpretively
- unsportively
- unvituperatively
- vituperatively
Click here to see more results for eratively- abortively
- administratively
- admiratively
- adumbratively
- alliteratively
- alteratively
- amelioratively
- anticreatively
- assertively
- asseveratively
- attriutively
- collaboratively
- commemoratively
- commiseratively
- concentratively
- concretively
- consideratively
- contortively
- corroboratively
- creatively
- curatively
- declaratively
- decoratively
- decretively
- degeneratively
- deliberatively
- demonstratively
- discretively
- elaboratively
- exaggeratively
- execratively
- exploratively
- extravertively
- extrovertively
- federatively
- figuratively
- furtively
- generatively
- illustratively
- interpenetratively
- invigoratively
- iteratively
- lucratively
- melioratively
- narratively
- nonabortively
- nonadministratively
- nonalliteratively
- nonassertively
- noncommemoratively
Click here to see more results for atively- ablatively
- absorptively
- abstractively
- accommodatively
- accumulatively
- accusatively
- acquisitively
- actively
- adaptively
- addictively
- additively
- adjectively
- adjunctively
- admonitively
- adoptively
- adsorptively
- adventively
- adversatively
- affectively
- affinitatively
- affirmatively
- afflictively
- agglutinatively
- aggregatively
- alimentatively
- alkatively
- alternatively
- amatively
- annotatively
- anticipatively
- anticonservatively
- antiproductively
- appellatively
- apperceptively
- applicatively
- appointively
- appositively
- appreciatively
- approximatively
- arguitively
- argumentatively
- ascriptively
- assaultively
- associatively
- assortatively
- assumptively
- astrictively
- attentively
- attractively
- attributively
Click here to see more results for ively- abrasively
- abusively
- accessively
- adhesively
- admissively
- aggressively
- allusively
- amusively
- antiaggressively
- anticorrosively
- antiexpressively
- applausively
- appraisively
- apprehensively
- appulsively
- aspersively
- authoritatively
- aversively
- behovely
- benedictively
- bijectively
- bravely
- capacitativly
- capacitively
- caressively
- causatively
- circumscriptively
- circumspectively
- coactively
- coadunatively
- coercively
- coextensively
- cogitatively
- cognitively
- cognoscitively
- cohesively
- collectively
- collusively
- combatively
- combustively
- commissively
- communicatively
- commutatively
- compensatively
- competitively
- completively
- complexively
- compositively
- comprehensively
- compressively
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