Rhymes for amative
- affirmative
- afformative
- animative
- approximative
- automative
- calmative
- confirmative
- consummative
- deformative
- disaffirmative
- efformative
- estimative
- formative
- gemmative
- infirmative
- inflammative
- informative
- misinformative
- neoformative
- nonconfirmative
- nonformative
- noninformative
- nonnormative
- normative
- overaffirmative
- performative
- preaffirmative
- reformative
- rheumative
- subformative
- summative
- transformative
- uncalmative
- unconfirmative
- unconsummative
- unformative
- uninformative
- unnormative
- unreformative
- untransformative
- vasoformative
Click here to see more results for ative- abbreviative
- abdicative
- aberrative
- abirritative
- ablative
- abnegative
- abrogative
- accelerative
- accommodative
- acculturative
- accumulative
- accusative
- acervative
- acetylative
- aconative
- acurative
- adaptative
- adequative
- adjudicative
- administrative
- Administrative
- admirative
- adoptative
- adumbrative
- adversative
- advocative
- affiliative
- affinitative
- affricative
- agglomerative
- agglutinative
- aggravative
- aggregative
- agitative
- albificative
- alimentative
- allative
- alleviative
- alliterative
- allocative
- alterative
- altercative
- alternative
- ambulative
- ameliorative
- ampliative
- amplicative
- amplificative
- amputative
- annihilative
Click here to see more results for tive- abditive
- abductive
- abjective
- abjunctive
- abortive
- abreactive
- absolutive
- absorptive
- abstractive
- acceptive
- accompletive
- accretive
- acquisitive
- active
- adaptive
- addictive
- additive
- adductive
- adjective
- adjunctive
- adjustive
- admonitive
- adoptive
- adscriptive
- adsorptive
- adustive
- advective
- adventive
- affective
- affinitive
- afflictive
- affrontive
- agentive
- alimentive
- allocutive
- anoxidative
- antiagglutinative
- anticipative
- anticoagulative
- anticogitative
- anticommutative
- anticompetitive
- anticonfederative
- anticonscriptive
- anticonservative
- anticreative
- antiderivative
- antiexudative
- antifermentative
- antimedicative
Click here to see more results for ive- abessive
- aborsive
- abrasive
- abstersive
- abusive
- accessive
- accusive
- adessive
- adhesive
- admissive
- advancive
- adversive
- advisive
- aggressive
- agressive
- airbrasive
- alive
- allusive
- ambiversive
- amusive
- animadversive
- annexive
- annunciative
- antiaggressive
- anticonvulsive
- anticorrosive
- antidepressive
- antierosive
- antiexpressive
- antihypertensive
- antiproductive
- antiprogressive
- antiproliferative
- antiputrefactive
- antireactive
- antireductive
- antireflective
- antireflexive
- antisiccative
- antispeculative
- antisubversive
- antitussive
- aperitive
- apodictive
- appeasive
- appellative
- apperceive
- apperceptive
- appetitive
- applausive
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